Friday, November 9, 2012


My wife and I were discussing our upcoming 20th wedding anniversary about a month ago.  The topic centered around the need to purge almost everything we own now that we've reached this milestone. Neither one of us tends to hoard or packrat.  No, our problem seems to be the ability to purge as we go.  I recently donated a dress to Goodwill that was last worn to a banquet in 1993.

One problem with purging is relatives who are also purging.  These well-intentioners have more than once transferred at least 100 pounds worth of purged paraphernalia from their homes to ours.  Of course, you just smile and gladly acknowledge that you are certain that a place can be found for that large painting and those antique fly rods.

Our conversation strayed quickly from all the work necessary to tackle purging, into the desire, want, and potential happiness found in all the fun of replacement materials.  "Let's get a different house."  "Yeah, that'd be cool."  "Our van is getting kinda----boring."  "Yeah, let's purge that too!"  "I need a new wardrobe."  "Yeah, no kidding, I can't keep going out looking like this."

Conversations like this one are energizing and I was mobilized.  I decided it was finally time to replace the carpet in the living room and office space.  After the carpet was successfully installed, I decided that the office needed new paint, a new window, a new office desk, a new file cabinet, a new trash can, and  so much more.  Planning an idea when you are energized often leads to apathy in the execution.  Our office has been empty for almost a week now, the computer is set up on a card table, and books are stacked in the bathroom awaiting re-entry.  On the plus side, I found some really cool photographs.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Invisible Empires

Of the writing of blogs there is no end.  All of the blog titles are catchy, creative, and as fresh as the latest cliche containing the word "fresh."  Stories are shared, misspellings are ignored, and editing is absent.  Nevertheless, the words march forth building invisible empires,  phonetic Towers of Babel.

The goal of this blog will be to embrace the derivative, hug the well-worn narrative, and by sheer accident ramble into originality.
